Wednesday, January 15, 2014


 Definition Of Admixtures: During the preparation of concrete without its compulsory components to create expecting of quality in concrete the extra components  mixing as known called admixture. We can say them also additives. Really during the preparation of cement we mix some components in cement is called Additives. When, the preparation of  concrete add some components in concrete is called admixtures. Some admixtures are here. Aluminum, Strict Acid and Polymer Emulsion.

Question. Why we use admixtures in concrete?
Answer: We can get many benefits to use admixtures during the preparation of concrete. Some benefits
of admixture are under here.
1. we create extra qualities to use admixtures in concrete. Like that ,these admixtures also use to
reduce the resistance and defects on create high  temperature and low temperature in concrete work.
2. During the design work we enhance the setting time of concrete to use admixtures.
3. Some time we use admixtures in cement to reduce the setting time of cement for the repairing structures.
4. Some area they have water crises .There, we use admixtures to get good structure in minimum water. So,  for this purpose we mix in concrete  Lignosulfonic Acid and Alumina cement.

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