Introduction: The fresh concrete is week but the concrete placing after some days It will be strong able to take load and slowly its strength will be high. During the preparation of concrete we should have to properly take care of the selection ratio and need to look after the placing concrete still to two weeks. That's why, This is the time where some reactions have been affected on concrete's strength and on its property. Some factors they affected on concrete are given here.
1. Quality of ingredients.
2. Ratio of concrete.
3. Mixing technique.
4. Transportation.
5. Placing.
6. Curing.
7. Environment.
1.Quality of ingredients: During the preparation of concrete their are used different components. They are affected on concrete's quality. We use the cement in concrete that is affected on concrete's properties and on other qualities of concrete. If we use quick setting time of cement in concrete so concrete will get good strength in minimum time and If we use expanding cement in concrete so concrete without freezing it will be expend. The using of other components are also affected on concrete's strength like that aggregates and water quality. If the course aggregate prepared by hard stone.That type of aggregate is better for the quality of concrete. If the unnecessary and harmful minerals or other impurities are include in water so, concrete quality can not be good for the concrete. We want to get proper properties from concrete then the preparation of concrete we should also include compulsory components and admixtures to get good strength of concrete.
2. Ratio of concrete: We prepare concrete according to ratio of different components. They are affected on concrete's strength and on its property. If we use more cement in concrete. So as well the strength of concrete will be high. Rich concrete has unobserved soft surface. The size of aggregates also affected on concrete's properties. The size of aggregate should use some big but in possible limit. The voids of components ratio should be minimum in fresh concrete. So concrete's strength will be increase and also be increase porosity of concrete.
3. Mixing method of concrete: If the technique of mixing concrete will be better as result concrete can get good strength. The concrete's mixing method should be good so that after the concrete ratio mixing, the concrete should appear equal all the parts of concrete ratio.
4. Transportation and placing: If we have to transfer the fresh concrete one place to another place in minimum time. That time, we should care and use proper technique. During the placing of concrete its components should not be separate to one another and should not mix other to create bad affected components for example clay and organic things.
5. Curing: To do curing of concrete as result the concrete's strength will be high day by day. That's why, the need of water quantity for the setting concrete. During preparation of concrete the fresh concrete has loosed its water quantity and need more water in setting time. So, we do curing of concrete to get good strength and impervious.
6. Environment:
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